All tracks below can be listened to by clicking on Listen in Browser option and then the Soundcloud play button. If you wish to purchase any of the tracks, you can head over to my Bandcamp page or Apple Music.


Waves of Ontario - In a strange land

Iceland is a strange yet beautiful location with unique landscapes. Exploring the country is exciting in some cases with its black sand beaches and volcanic landscapes, it makes you feel like you're on an alien planet at times.


Waves of Ontario - Drone down

While exploring, photographing, and doing videos in Iceland, my drone suddenly started to land out in the wilderness. I had to recover it. Not just because of losing the drone but also due to footage. I crossed a cold Icelandic river, waist-high five times searching for the drone. After about an hour, down and feeling defeated, on my way back I spotted the gray drone, hiding amongst the many gray rocks and stones. I was certain I had lost it. But so happy and excited to have recovered it. Truly a test and lesson of patience and perseverance.


Waves of Ontario - Reykjavik

Inspired while out and about in the city of Reykjavik, Iceland.


Waves of Ontario - Experiencing the Aurora

Experiencing the Aurora Borealis aka Nothern Lights is something you do not forget. At times it left me speechless just how majestic and beautiful it truly is. I've seen many pictures of it, but nothing compares to standing underneath the green and sometimes purple lights dancing above you.


Waves of Ontario - Sunrise at Snaefellsnes Peninsula

Snaefellsnes Peninsula in Iceland is where a very popular mountain, Kirkjufell, is located. A late-night drive to this area, arriving before sunrise was a unique experience. The wide-open terrain and natural beauty are indescribable.


Waves of Ontario - Reynisdrangar

Reynisdrangar is a sea stack located at Reynifjara beach, aka Black Sand beach in Iceland. The waves and winds there can be very dangerous, almost unbearable to walk at times. There was a photo from a certain angle I wanted, it took four visits to get the shot. In the end, I ended up with a decent photo I felt happy with. But, also realizing the effort and determination it required made the result much sweeter.


Waves of Ontario - Lonely glacier

Inspired by an early morning photography trip to the Jokusarlon Ice Lagoon in Iceland. While most photographers lined up for the large, interesting glaciers in front of them, this one small glacier at a distance was slowly drifting away. I had to photograph it and also inspired some chill vibes to make an Ambient music track.


Waves of Ontario - The Lights bear witness

Another track made inspired by my experience with the Northern Lights. If I told you the rest, you most likely wouldn't believe it anyway.


Waves of Ontario - Vestrahorn

Vestrahorn is a mountain, called Batman Mountian by the locals due to its peaks. While out for some photography there, most of the mountains were covered in clouds, ruining any chance of a decent photograph. I waited, patiently, and moved around, but it did not clear up. Minus a few variations in this track, it loops over the same textures, for the most part, symbolizing the frustrating day circling around, hoping for at least some of the clouds to clear.


Waves of Ontario - Nothing Lasts

Inspired by the Rocky Mountains and Landscapes in beautiful Alberta, Canada, Nothing Lasts is another one of the tracks I made inspired by my stay. That realization when my stay was coming to end and that all good things come to an end.


Waves of Ontario - Forever

Inspired by the Rocky Mountains and Landscapes in beautiful Alberta, Canada Forever is one of the tracks I made capturing my mood at the end of my stay. One of the most beautiful places I visited. While like all good things come to an end, I was just happy to experience it.


Waves of Ontario - Maple Mysticism

An Electronica/Film type track with a blend of traditional Eastern sounds as well as modern synths.


Waves of Ontario - Andromeda

The first time I saw Andromeda was at Torrance Barrens Dark-Sky Preserve. It’s amazing being able to see a galaxy millions of light-years away with the naked eye. View through a telescope or a 400mm+ lens and you’re all set.

Andromeda is also known as M31 (Messier object 31). Charles Messier incorrectly attributed the discovery of Andromeda to Simon Marius. It was actually discovered by Persian Islamic scholar Abd ar-Rahman al-Sufi in the year 964.


Waves of Ontario - Calm as Peace

An Ambient, Chill track inspired by an early, peaceful morning by a lake at Algonquin Park. Driven by moody chord progressions and vocal effects.


Waves of Ontario - Superior

Another one of the few tracks I made after visiting the Pukaskwa. A bit of an Electronica, Hip Hop vibe.


Waves of Ontario - Pukaskwa

One of the few tracks I made after visiting the beautiful Pukaskwa National Park. This one was inspired on the way to the park, soaking up as much beauty but also the ruggedness around the Superior, rushing to visit as many places as possible while on the way to my campsite.


Waves of Ontario - Horseshoe Bay

I had Horseshoe Bay at Puksakswa National Park all to myself one quiet morning. It inspired me to make this quiet, Chill track with a dose of Lo-Fi.


Waves of Ontario - Wind Frequencies

I was out for a day of photography and this day in particular not only was it windy but the different frequencies and velocities of the wind were interesting. Luckily I had my mic on me, recorded the sounds, and translated it into this Ambient/Experimental track.


Waves of Ontario - Switch

An electronic track with, probably Tech-House but also with a retro sound to it.


Waves of Ontario - Switch (remix)

A remix of Switch with a slightly brighter, modern sound.


Waves of Ontario - BPNP

Purely inspired by a trip to the popular Bruce Peninsula National Park, the Grotto specifically. I guess it has a moody, cinematic feel if I had to describe it. The final track went in a completely different direction from where it originally started. But I decided to keep a bit of that as well (at the end).


Waves of Ontario - Hike on the Rocks

Exactly as the title suggests. On a trip at Bruce, I had to hike quite a ways on a windy, slightly rainy day on some big rocks.


Waves of Ontario - BPNP (ambient remix)

An ambient track I made after my trip to Bruce National Park. A remix of the brighter, cinematic original version. This one was more inspired by the beautiful dark night skies at the Bruce, Lion’s Head area.


Waves of Ontario - Disoriented yet mesmerized

Lion’s Head Lookout Trail is one of the most popular hiking trails in Ontario. Close to Bruce Peninsula National Park, it offers a great view at the end of the main trail. On the way there though, many seem to lose direction, at least for the first half of the hike. I’ve seen some that turned around completely and gave up after reaching halfway there. That could be a good thing though as you can have Lion’s Head Lookout to yourself. The hike is highly recommended, especially in Fall.


Waves of Ontario - I see the stars

Sometimes the forecast calls for mostly clouds. But occasionally despite the forecast, the skies clear up, and the next thing I know I’m into at least an hour-long timelapse of the stars.

With this Electronica track, I concentrated on the textures and experimented a bit with the beat.


Waves of Ontario - Dukhan

While this track may seem like more of a modern electronic, techno piece, the soundscape/melody is more of an ominous one. Inspired by driving at night on dark, foggy roads by Algonquin.


Waves of Ontario - How dub you know

A short(ish), Tech-House track inspired by driving back to the city after a few days camping and enjoying the outdoors.


Waves of Ontario - Fireflies

Just when I thought my trip at Point Pelee National Park was done, the night brought forth an amazing display of hundreds of fireflies lighting up the area around me in all different colours. Although short, it was certainly an uplifting end to the night as Astrophotography wasn’t possible due to cloud cover.


Waves of Ontario - The Marshes

While Point Pelee National Park is mostly known for being the most southern tip of Canada, it offers beaches, woodlands, and an interesting marsh area. The marshes have different wildlife to experience, especially for bird watchers and photographers. This area can get very quiet with a thick dense feeling. I remember at times hearing drops in the green waters several feet away but sounded like something right beside me.